Sunday, November 1, 2015

(HOWTO: E-Business Suite / Oracle Database / Middleware) Clone Automation products

Products Offering

Fast & Automated Cloning

  • Very fast for P1 issues, Immediate Reporting or ETL runs.
  • Immediate backup and Restore of DB and APP disk storage.
  • Fully automated clone of DB Homes and Database.
  • Fully automated run of AD tools for DB and MIDDLE Tiers.
  • “BYOS” Bring your own script that you use for post­clone­steps.
  • Clone a SOURCE to a TARGET by just pressing the “Return” key and does it all for you.

Automated Cloning (large number of environments)

  • Very good when you need to refresh 5 to 20 environments during the month.
  • Fully automated clone of DB Homes and Database.
  • Fully automated run of AD tools for DB and MIDDLE Tiers.
  • “BYOS” Bring your own script that you use for post­clone­steps.
  • Uses backups to clone DB and APP tier.
  • Clone a SOURCE to a TARGET by just pressing the “Return” key and does it all for you.

(HOWTO: Intelligent Home) Incredible ZeroShell - Restricting iPhone and iPads from Kids at home

Zeroshell is simple AWESOME!!!

Copyright (C) 2006-2015 Fulvio Ricciardi - Lecce (ITALY) 
Web site 

My kids are constantly looking at their iPads all the time, this is putting School Homework on the side, and for parents is like impossible to take away that candy. Zeroshell is a great tool !!! 

It has a built in transparent proxy and a Captive Portal which when configured as a gateway at home it allows devices such as iPads, computers, laptops, TV, etc to be restricted by time or bytes consumed. You simply register a user for each kid and assign bucks to their accounts. You also need to setup an accounting policy, for example 1$ per hour which means that 2$ is equivalent to 2 hours of web surfing.

Once access internet you need to just simply open your browser and Zeroshell captive portal will appear, you then need to login with your username and password and after this you will be given access. A time based policy will deny access after all the credit has been consumed.

Once credit is consumed internet access will be cut in the related iPad or device. 

Your kids will then be begging Mum and Dad to give them more credits.... Here is when your negotiation skills are used at a maximum... 

Sometimes is even hard to negotiate with your kids than your boss. Eventually, after some wording and little bit of negotiation, school homework get done and everyone is happy !!! 

Thanks Fulvio !!!! Zeroshell is great !!!!

Notes: You need to change your wireless internet router DHCP settings and set the gateway to the IP of your zeroshell server. Also make sure to lock each iPad IP so that DHCP provides the same IP all the time. That should be it !!!